Santhosh & Sabari IAS Exam provides a comprehensive program for UPSC - Indian Forest Service Exam General Studies Paper for Preliminary Exam and Main Exam. Since IFS Exam and Civil Service Exam at Preliminary Level is Same, we provide intensive training for GS. Our GS program also Covers IFS Main Exam GS papers also.

In this Course, we teach following subjects.

1. Polity and Governance

2. Economy

3. Current Affairs ( refer Current Affairs Page for details. Our Current Affairs is very comprehensive)

4. Ancient History

5. Medieval History

6. Modern History

7. Indian National Movement

8. Geography

9. Agriculture

10. Environment

11. Physics

12. Chemistry

13. Biology

14. Science & Tech

Admission details: We start admission in the month of May.

Admission: Call us for more details : 9941958345